Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Seriously, Are We There Yet?

This week has not gone as smoothly as the last. After leaving my parents we came back to Sean’s house to stay for a few days. We thought we’d find a place to rent, move in over the weekend, and have plenty of time to get settled in our new house before starting work. Well, things didn’t quite go as planned. We spent all day driving around Ft Collins on Friday and had no luck finding a house to rent. Apparently we just have bad timing because since Ft Collins is a college town all the good rentals are taken by now. We decided to check Longmont for a rental since it’s closer to the mountains and it’s where my job is based. Again we spent another couple hours driving around neighborhoods and searching on craigslist for a house. We finally found a cute little 1920s bungalow for rent in a great neighborhood in Longmont. We called the realty company and set up a showing immediately. The house ended up being perfect and the landlord was there as well. We filled out an application and shook hands with the landlord. They said they just needed to run a background check over the weekend but they would get back to us on Monday and we’d probably get to move in Tuesday or Wednesday. So we spent the weekend hanging out with Sean- the boys did yard work while I watched Glee (my new favorite tv show) on Hulu. We went to a river at the base of Pike’s Peak and jumped in 45 degree water and then went to a bar/outfitter/venue in Manitou Springs. That night we grilled venison burgers and drank beer while Drew played his Mandolin (thanks Devon!) on the porch; maybe a little too much beer because Sean accidentally fell down the porch stairs. It was a great weekend of relaxing but we were very anxious to get in our new house. Then Monday morning we called the rental company to verify that we passed the background check (not that we were worried or anything). But then we found out that the landlord rented the house to someone else, even though we had given him a deposit check and everything! Apparently there are jerks here in Colorado too. We had wasted the whole weekend thinking we had secured a house and now we had to start the search all over again. We were pissed. So we jumped back in the car, drove an hour and a half back to Longmont and did it all over again. This time we found a really cute house, which is actually better than the first one, but it’s not available until September 1st. We were disappointed that we would have to wait two weeks to get into the house, but life is good at Big Bird so we decided we could wait. We have an appointment with the owner tomorrow to sign a lease. Hopefully she won’t screw us over like the last one…

Our next mission: find a new old car for Drew.

Drew’s fun fact: A cockroach can live 9 days without its head. It only dies because it cannot eat.

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