Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Red Rocket

We found a new old car for Drew. He needed to get one because we only took our Subaru out to Colorado and I’ll need it for my new job. He wanted something to drive around town but that would also be good for snow and off-roading. He ended up getting a great deal on a 1995 Land Rover Discovery. It has 135,000 miles but since we got such a great deal it’s okay if it needs some work. He nicknamed it Red Rocket.

He registered it with the state of Colorado and put on his new CO tags this morning. After that we had to drive up to Longmont again to sign the contract for my job and sign the lease for the rental house. We knew it might be a bad idea to take our new old car on the highway right away but we were feeling adventurous. Sure enough, about 30 miles outside of Colorado Springs the temperature gauge started to creep its way up. I should’ve known that would happen, especially since we had two important appointments to get to. But after we turned off the A/C the temperature returned to normal and we didn’t have any further problems. We drove the rest of the way with the windows open and, luckily, made it to Longmont on time. We were able to sign the lease for the house, which we’re really excited to move in to. And I signed a contract for my job: no longer jobless and homeless all in one day! Now we just have to figure out what to do for the next two weeks…

Drew’s fun fact: 12 newborn children in the US will be given to the wrong parents daily

1 comment:

  1. My jealousy at your life is through the roof right now, Drew. Haven't even read this blog post...just saw the pictures and assumed this is your new whip. That's awesome. I'm so happy for you guys.
