Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Roosevelt Rocks

Today we drove up the Cache La Poudre Canyon into Roosevelt National Forest. We passed lots of white water rafters and fly fisherman along our drive into the mountains. It reminded us a lot of our trip to Ennis, Montana last year. We stopped to hike the Roaring Creek trail, which took us through sage brush into amazing pine forests along the river. It was sad to see all the pine trees that were destroyed by the pine beetles, but you can’t stop the circle of life (it moves us all). Bogey did great on the trail again. We were worried that Bogey would miss chasing lizards in Florida, but instead he’s been able to chase prairie dogs, rabbits, and chipmunks. After our hike we drove through Fort Collins, Longmont, and Boulder on the way back to our campsite. Tonight- sloppy joes. Tomorrow- Rocky Mountain National Park.

Drew’s fun fact: It is impossible to lick your elbow.

1 comment:

  1. I like the Lion King shout out. Simba, I am your fadda.
