We finally crossed into the state of Colorado where the grass is greener and the streets are paved with gold. We stopped at the border to take pictures and when we got back in the car AC/DC “For those about to rock” came on the radio. Coincidence? I think not. More like destiny. We drove across the eastern part of Colorado (which reminded us a lot of Kansuckass) and after about two hours we finally saw the Rockies come in to view. It was so exciting to finally see our new backdrop. We drove through Colorado Springs and got the last campsite at Garden of The Gods RV Park. It’s easy to see we’re not in the “Bible belt” anymore because instead of a church on every corner there’s a medical marijuana dispensary on every corner. We plan to stay here over the weekend to move our stuff into Sean’s basement, see Garden of the Gods and Pikes Peak, and play hackey sack with the hippies in Manitou Springs. So even though Drew and I have come down with colds and it’s been raining all afternoon (apparently it’s not always sunny in Colorado), we should be having lots of fun soon. More pictures to come.
Drew’s fun fact: Due to Earth’s gravity it is impossible for mountains to be higher than 49,000 feet.
Really? There are marijuana dispensaries in Colorado? How does that work Annie? When you have your job, will you be able to medically prescribe marijuana? That would take some getting used to. Different states; different laws. I wonder if the hippies of today are like the hippies of my youth???? Love to both of you! Mom