Friday, July 23, 2010

Go West!

Tomorrow we go west! Drew and I have been wanting to move to the Rockies as long as we can remember, and tomorrow we're finally going to do it. My (Anne's) parents are driving us out there in their travel trailer- Dad's Excursion is packed full of our furniture and the trailer is hauling all our boxes. It should take us just under a week to get to Colorado. Our plan is to first go see our good friend Sean in Colorado Springs and dump as much of our crap as we can in his basement (thanks Sean!). After that- who knows?!? One of the best parts of this whole process is our lack of plans and direction. We'll be traveling around Colorado visiting some of the different mountain towns that might become our new home. We'll be applying and interviewing for jobs along the way. I have an interview set up on Aug 5th in Longmont, and have already had two phone interviews for jobs in Durango and Greeley. Drew has been searching for jobs in the restaurant/hotel industry and dreaming up plans of his next "venture." Mostly we've been making mental lists of all the gear we want to buy at REI. We'll be updating the blog with pictures and stories from our adventure, and Drew will be posting "fun facts" for all those readers with short attention spans like him who can't stand to read the whole paragraph I just wrote. We will miss all our Florida friends and family, your support has meant the world to us!

Drew's fun fact: Termites eat wood twice as fast when listening to heavy metal music.


  1. I am so excited to be the first one to comment on your blog!!! I have such mixed emotions about you leaving:on one hand I am so happy that you are finally going to live your dream. But on the other hand, I am very sad to say good-by. Moms have their own dreams too - to always have their children around them. I only hope that one day we will at least live in the same state!!! You are both loved so much and will be missed by sooooo many people! Take care and remember that I love you more than you know! Love, Mom C.

  2. I'm so excited for you two!...but I don't believe the thing about the termites.

  3. You guys are my heroes!!! It's so amazing that you two get the opportunity to just go for it and spend a lot of time together like this. These times will set the foundation for the rest of your lives together! Hopefully some day Emily and I will be able to travel around the midwest hiking awesome peaks! Love you guys and miss you!
