Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Date Night

Since the weather turned warm (relatively) Drew and I have had a standing weekly date night to go climbing in St. Vrain Canyon. As soon as I get home from work Drew hands me a granola bar, shoves me in the car, and drives me 20 minutes west to the canyon. We're able to climb for about 2 1/2 hours before the sun sets, which is just enough time for us each to try a route that's too hard and fail, and then try another that's too easy and succeed.

Even though it's not your standard dating activity, climbing is actually a great way to spend time together. We get to be outside, which we both love. We get to try things that are new and scary, and encourage each other along the way. But most of all we get to be together and not talk about work or money or plans or the future or anything important.
The couple that belays together stays together.

Drew's fun fact: The only continent with no desert is Europe.