Monday, February 21, 2011

Home, Whole, and Happy

My better half is home and we celebrated by going snowshoeing in Rocky Mountain National Park yesterday. Needless to say, I am very happy. I was planning on forcing him to write a blog about his trip when he got home, but he's glued to his books studying for the boards. He takes the test at 8:00 am on Wednesday morning. So until he passes the test and has some free time to write, here's a picture that I think sums up his experience:

Snowshoeing was a blast. It was the first time for Drew and I and we loved it. It was really windy in the park so we found a trail that wound its way through the woods which provided some protection. It was so much fun to be in the wilderness, surrounded by snow, and walking on powder. We're glad to have found another winter sport to enjoy in the mountains. Going up to the resorts to snowboard can be quite the production and takes up the whole day, but there are so many snowshoeing trails in Boulder county and in RMNP. We plan on getting plenty of use out of our new shoes in the next few months. Here are a few pics from our trip, including the fox we saw on our way out (which lifted it's leg to pee and kicked at the ground behind him just like Bogey does):

Drew's fun fact: Wolves possess upwards of two hundred million olfactory cells.

1 comment:

  1. Me and Tony went snowshoeing (actually, I x-country skii'd and he shoe'd) yesterday too! Sounds like our weather was much better than yours, though.
