Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Fever

Spring has sprung, and not a moment too soon. My skin tone has been slowly deteriorating from pasty to ghostly to see-through. Thankfully the warm weather turned on like a light bulb as soon as March hit. The same thing happened last year when I got to experience my first true spring. Until then I had never known how exciting it is to see everything turn from brown back to green. Spring is also exciting because you get to start doing warm weather activities again, but there's still some snow in the mountains to play in. Drew and I decided to celebrate spring yesterday with the first inaugural St. Patty's Day Triathlon.

Unfortunately Drew and I were the only actual participants in the first inaugural St. Patty's Day Triathlon because it's something we made up the day before. But it was so awesome we're sure we can get a few people to join us next year, along with official $50 entrance fees and an extra-large T-shirt.

The first leg involved slushy spring skiing at our favorite resort, Keystone. It was a sunny, bluebird day and about 60 degrees. We ski'd 9,000 feet with a half hour break for provisions (Coors lite in a can and a granola bar), and then drove back to Boulder.

The second leg was climbing in St. Vrain Canyon. We made it to Scout Rock around 4 o'clock and climbed for about 2 hours. This was my first day climbing outside since last year and it felt great to be back on real rock. We had another quick provision (Sunshine Wheat in a can) while the sun set, then headed home.

The third leg consisted of bike riding downtown to participate in the St. Patty's Day festivities. It was a short leg, more of a sprint because we only live a few miles away. But in some ways it was the most difficult leg. We were tired, sunburnt (yay!), and didn't have enough bike lights to properly illuminate the pitch black bike trail. But we powered through, made it there safely, and even stayed awake long enough for one drink before deciding that we were too old to be dealing with drunk college kids on St. Patty's Day. Luckily the bus stop is close to our house too, the ride home was a little more relaxed.

So that was how we celebrated the beginning of spring and St. Patty's Day. We will begin taking entrance fees for next year's Second Annual St. Patty's Day Triathlon as soon as Drew figures out how to set up a Paypal account... stay tuned.

Oh ya, pictures. I only managed to take some during the second leg...

Drew's fun fact: The entire 1968 Swedish Olympic pentathlon team had to return their bronze medals because one member drank too much beer to calm his nerves before an event and was subsequently disqualified for violating the Olympic drug rules.