This year Drew and I stayed in Colorado for Christmas. We moved to a new house in Boulder, which is a terrible endeavor to attempt on Christmas. Moving tends to provoke an attitude that is the exact opposite of the Christmas spirit. Thankfully we had amazing weather yesterday, along with a foot of snow on the ground. We took a break from unpacking to take a snowshoe trip with our friends Kevin and Holly. We stumbled upon a beautiful snow-covered lake with a view of Long's peak on one side and the Indian Peaks on the other. As you can see, lots of snow shenanigans ensued.
When we got home we made mexican hot chocolate, Abuelita, in my new crockpot Drew gave me for Christmas. We also beat the h-e-double-hockey-sticks out of a piƱata that Kevin and Holly gave us for Christmas. Having a slick, icy deck added a whole new level of difficulty to the game. Somehow no one got hurt. I'm not sure if our new neighbors appreciated our loud rendition of Feliz Navidad, sung while aimlessly swinging a trekking pole in the air, but I sure did.
Drew's fun fact: In Mexico, wearing red underwear on New Year's Eve is said to bring new love in the upcoming year.