Thursday, November 25, 2010

AC/DC Thanksgiving

Drew and I had the pleasure of hosting Thanksgiving for the first time this year, which really doesn't mean much because Drew's mom did all the cooking. It was so much fun having it at our house, especially because we not only had Drew's parents here but also my brother-in-law Devon and our friends Sean and Lori. The day was filled with the usual AC/DC antics including Devon and Sean getting "iced", me trying to sit on a chair that wasn't there and falling on the floor, Bogey puking from eating too much table scraps, and me stepping in doggy "unpleasants" and tracking it all through the house. We also didn't buy enough oil to cover the turkey in the fryer, but luckily our friend Lori randomly had some cooking oil in her car and saved the day. What are friends for? When we finally sat down to eat we all got the giggles. All I remember of our dinner conversation is that Devon said his bald spot was sweating. Post-dinner activities included Drew and Devon playing music, Sean sleeping on the couch in my apron, and a walk in our neighborhood that ended with Christmas caroling... all in all a great Thanksgiving.

Drew's fun fact: Turkeys have heart attacks. The United States Air Force was doing test runs and breaking the sound barrier. Nearby turkeys dropped dead with heart attacks.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I did a bad thing. This Saturday we went snowboarding at Keystone and I crashed into a skier. Actually, a skier crashed into me, but it was my fault. The skier was going kinda slow through this narrow run and I didn't want to slow down for him. I tried to pass him, a little too close, and he turned into me. I got slammed into the snow and now I have whiplash. It was just like on Pointbreak (my favorite movie) when the local surfer gets mad at Keanu Reeves for crashing into him on the wave (except we didn't get into a fist fight). So all day I've been whining to Drew and laying in bed with a heating pad. The injury was totally worth it though because we had so much fun on the mountain. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on who's reading this) we didn't get any pictures of my crash, but we did get some nice pictures of Drew and Hunter modeling their new snowboards.

Drew's fun fact: Keanu means 'cool breeze over the mountains.'

Friday, November 12, 2010

Winter Wonderland

We had our first snow this week! The only time I've ever seen snow was on vacation so this whole week has felt like vacation, especially since we get to go snowboarding again tomorrow! It's so strange to be able to hop in the car and drive to the ski resorts- Drew's done it about 4 or 5 times since the mountains opened. We woke up to a blanket of snow on the ground yesterday, and, of course, we were unprepared (we went through 2 hurricane seasons in Fort Lauderdale without owning a flashlight, why should we start being prepared now?). We had no snow shovel or windshield scraper. Drew went out in his underwear to sweep the snow off my windshield with a broom- now that's love.

My job is still going really well. Last week a 93 year old man pointed to the stethoscope around my neck and said "that makes you look important." Another 91 year old man said "what's up doc" then asked me to give him something to "put him down". And today an 80-something year old lady did "the itsy bitsy spider" up and down my arm. Old people are so cute.

The only other thing to report is that the city of Longmont built an ice-skating rink in the park down the street from our house- how awesome is that!?! And Drew's parents and my brother-in-law Devon are coming for Thanksgiving, can't wait to see some family...

Drew's fun fact: A single snowstorm can drop 40 million tons of snow, carrying the energy equivalent to 120 atom bombs.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Slacking Off

Today I got home from work 2 hours early (love my job!) so Drew and I went to the park in our neighborhood to play frisbee, slack-line, and enjoy the beautiful fall day. It quickly became apparent that Drew has had some free time lately because all of a sudden he's really good at slack-lining. He can walk across the whole line without falling, while I can't even get up without almost choking Drew to death while he helps me up. After watching this I'm pretty sure he'll never have a problem passing a field sobriety test (not that he would ever have a problem anyway).

After that we let Bogey embrace his wild side. We let him off the leash to chase some squirrels, but he just ended up playing hard to get with Drew.

Drew's fun fact: In Fruita, CO, the town folk celebrate 'Mike the Headless Chicken Day'. Seems that a farmer named L.A. Olsen cut off Mike's head on September 10, 1945 in anticipation of a chicken dinner - and Mike lived for another 4 years without a head.