Thursday, September 30, 2010


It's definitely starting to look and feel like fall here, and it's so exciting to have seasons! Last weekend we went to Rocky Mountain National Park with a few friends who had never been. All the aspen trees had yellow and orange leaves, something I've always wanted to see in person. I was not disappointed. We had a great time driving around and taking pictures. It was kind of a random group of people, but as you can see we all got a long pretty well (except for that one creepy guy in the back).
It's supposed to start snowing in about a month, which means snowboarding season is almost here! Drew and I went to REI over the weekend and I had to decide between climbing shoes and snowboards boots. Looks like I'll be climbing at the gym in my sneakers for a few more weeks. The pictures of snow-capped mountains on the walls in the store tipped me over the edge. Everyday when I look over at the mountains I can see a little more snow in the distance, I wonder if I'll ever be this excited about snow again. We'll see what a season of driveway-shoveling and windshield-scraping does to my enthusiasm.
This weekend we're planning another 14er, well one for me and four for Drew, Sean, and Hunter. There's a route that takes you across 4 peaks which the boys are going to do, but I plan to just do the first one since I'm slow and my left knee hates hiking. Hopefully the weather and my knee will cooperate, especially since 14er hiking season is just about over.
I still love my job and Drew's still looking for a job that he will love. He stays busy planning our adventures and scheming up different business ideas. So many exciting things around the corner...

Drew's fun fact: Denver's earliest recorded snow was September 3, 1961.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Home, home on the front range

After four months of transition, we finally have a home again. We moved into our new house on Sept 1st and have loved living here so far. We live in "Leave it to Beaver" neighborhood- the first day we moved in our next door neighbors brought us homemade apple bread. There are two big parks within three blocks and on Friday nights we can hear the high school football game from our house. I love my new job so far. Doing house calls is a lot of fun and very laid-back. Drew is still looking for a job and enjoying being a stay-at-home Dad for Bogey. We've been to a couple Rockies games and have been watching the Gator games at the Rocky Mountain Gator Club in Denver. I can't say enough how great it is to have a home, especially one right next to the mountains.

Drew's fun fact: The "naked recreation and travel" industry has grown by 233% in the past decade.